Dopo aver conseguito la laurea in Scienze Biologiche a Bari, ha ottenuto un PhD in Metagenomica presso Aberystwyth University. Successivamente ha lavorato come ricercatore in Metagenomica presso University of Queensland lavorando su metagenomi marini, INRAE e Queen’s University Belfast, dove ha condotto ricerche sui metagenomi intestinali. Dal 1° settembre 2023 fa parte della sede di […]
Tag: ricercatori
Maria Liguori
Maria Liguori is a researcher in Neurosciences. She obtained her M.D. degree at the University of Bari where she completed the residency training in neurology and earned a Ph.D. degree in Neuropthalmology (special section: Demyelinating Diseases). She completed her scientific experience abroad, first as Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge, UK in 1999 (Brain […]
Saverio Vicario
Saverio Vicario was a researcher in CNR -ITB, Bari since 2006 and in staff since 2011 ITB-BA. He left this Institute in October 2016, and now works at CNR – Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research. Bio Bachelor degree in Zoology in “TorVergata” University (Rome) and PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology in Yale University. Its work produced […]
È con grande piacere che Vi diamo il benvenuto nel rinnovato sito della Sede di Bari dell’ISTITUTO DI TECNOLOGIE BIOMEDICHE che mette in pensione il precedente. I contenuti hanno subito (e subiranno ancora) aggiornamenti e limature per tenere il passo con le molteplici attività che ci vedono coinvolti. Speriamo che il lavoro fatto incontri il […]
Vito Flavio Licciulli
ORCID: 0000-0002-1861-8947ResearcherID: B-8984-2015 Vito Flavio Licciulli obtained a degree in Computer Science at University of Bari in 1992 (110/110). Since 1994 he is involved in Bioinformatics with the Bari BioInformatics Group and he is currently a researcher at the C.N.R.- Institute for Biomedical Technologies (ITB), Bari (Italy). He is author/coauthor of more than 40 papers […]
Andreas Gisel
Andreas Gisel is a Bioinformatician with a Diploma and PhD in Natural Science (specialized in Molecular Biology) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, Switzerland. He has more than 10 years’ experience in molecular biology accumulated during his PhD, working for 4 years at UC Berkeley, USA and 2 years at Friedrich Miescher Institute […]